Terms of use

If you would like to use this website, you must accept the terms of use listed here. We reserve the right to block users who do not comply.

Function of this website

The primary purpose of this website is to help people find other people they have met somewhere at some point in time and with whom you no longer have contact. For this reason, this website may only be used for this purpose and not for other purposes. For example, the following is not permitted:

Search queries

The sole purpose of a search query is to find a specific person you have met somewhere at some point in time. In principle, search queries can be read by every logged in user. This also applies to non-public search queries if they match other search queries from other users in terms of location and time! For this reason, private/very personal information should not be published in a search query. The following information must not be published in a search query:

Ideally, search queries should be such that the person you are looking for can himself found in the description, but other people cannot determine which person exactly is meant.

Granting of usage rights

By creating contributions (search queries, messages, etc.) you grant us a simple, temporally and spatially unrestricted and free right to use your contributions within the scope of this website. This is necessary so that we can provide the actual function of this website.

User obligations

By creating a contribution, you declare that it does not contain any content that violates applicable law or common decency.

The operator of this website exercises domiciliary rights. If you violate these terms of use or other published rules, the operator can temporarily or permanently exclude you from using this site after issuing a warning.

You acknowledge that the operator has no responsibility for the content of posts that he did not create himself or that he did not acknowledge. You allow the operator to delete or block your user account, contributions and functions at any time.

You also allow the operator to change your contributions if they violate the above rules or are likely to cause damage to the operator or a third party.